Online Help Center > SendSafely APIs


SendSafely.js is the primary client side JavaScript API used to communicate with the SendSafely server platform.

SendSafely(url, apiKey, apiSecret)
Return Type: constructor
The only constructor for the library.
url String The SendSafely host/url that the API will connect to.
apiKey String The API Key that will be used to authenticate to SendSafely.
apiSecret String The API Secret that will be used to authenticate to SendSafely.
Raised Events: N/A

Return Type: List
A helper function to parse out links from a String of text. Returns a list of links found in the provided text.
text String The text to be parsed.
Raised Events: N/A

Return Type: promise
Verifies the API Key and API Secret with the server. Returns the email address of the user that owns the API key.
finished function function (user)
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

getUserInformation(finished, customErrorEvent)
Return Type: void
Returns profile information related to the authenticated API user.
finished function function (user)
customErrorEvent function Optional custom error event (to replace user.information.failed).
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

deleteFile(packageId, fileId, finished)
Return Type: void
Deletes a file from a package.
packageId String The unique package id of the package for the delete file operation.
fileId String The unique file id of the file to delete.
finished function Optional callback function.
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

removeRecipient(packageId, recipientId, finished)
Return Type: void
Removes a recipient from a given package.
packageId String The unique package id of the package for the remove recipient operation.
recipientId String The unique recipient id of the recipient to remove from the package.
finished function optional callback function.
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

Return Type: void
Retrieves organization-level information about the SendSafely enterprise account that the currently authenticated user belongs to.
finished function function(host, systemName, allowUndisclosedRecipients, headerColor, linkColor, messageEncryption)
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

addRecipient(packageId, email, keyCode, finished)
Return Type: void
Adds a recipient to a given package.
packageId String The unique packageId that you are adding the recipient to.
email String The recipient email to be added.
keyCode String keyCode value of the package adding the recipient to.
finished function function (Recipient)
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

addRecipients(packageId, emails, keyCode, finished, customErrorEvent)
Return Type: void
Adds a list of recipients to a given package.
packageId String The unique package id of the package for the add recipient operation.
emails String The recipient email to be added.
keyCode String keyCode value of the package adding the recipient to.
finished function function (Recipient)
customErrorEvent function Optional custom error event (to replace recipients.add.failed).
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

addRecipientPhonenumber(packageId, recipientId, phonenumber, countryCode, finished)
Return Type: void
Adds a phone number to a recipient for SMS verification .
packageId String The unique packageId that you are updating.
recipientId String The recipientId to which the phone number will be added.
phonenumber String A phone number to be used for SMS verification.
countryCode String A country code associated with the phone number.
finished function function ()
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

finalizePackage(packageId, packageCode, keycode, finished)
Return Type: String
Finalizes the package so it can be delivered to the recipients. Returns the Secure Link needed for recipients to access the package.
packageId String The unique packageId that is being finalized.
packageCode String The package code used to create the secure link.
keycode String The keycode used to encrypt the message and files.
finished function function(url)
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

finalizeUndisclosedPackage(packageId, packageCode, keycode, password, finished)
Return Type: String
Finalizes a package without any recipients being specified. Returns the Secure Link needed for recipients to access the package.
packageId String The unique packageId that is being finalized.
packageCode String The package code used to create the secure link.
keycode String The keycode used to encrypt the message and files.
password String A password that will be required in order to access the package. Leave as undefined if no password should be required.
finished function function (url)
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

packageInformation(packageId, finished)
Return Type: void
Fetch the latest metadata for a specific package using a PackageId.
packageId String The packageId of the package.
finished function function (PackageInformation)
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message
package.information.failed function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

packageInformationFromLink(link, finished)
Return Type: void
Fetch the latest metadata for a specific package using a Secure Link.
link String The Secure Link for the package.
finished function function (PackageInformation)
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

updatePackage(packageId, data, finished)
Return Type: void
Update the package expiration (days). Setting the life to 0 means the package will not expire.
packageId String The packageId to update.
data int Json object containing a life parameter (integer). For example, {life:15}. int value must be a valid number between 0 and 365.
finished function function (PackageInformation)
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

encryptAndUploadMessage(packageId, keyCode, serverSecret, message, finished)
Return Type: void
Adds a secure message to the package. If a message already exists it will be overwritten.
packageId String The packageId that you are adding the message to.
keyCode String The keycode for the package.
serverSecret String The server secret associated with the package.
message String The message to be encrypted (text).
finished function function ()
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

encryptAndUploadFiles(packageId, keyCode, serverSecret, files, uploadType, finished)
Return Type: void
Adds a list of files to the package. Files will be encrypted and uploaded to the server and stored in the root directory of the package.
packageId String The packageId that you are adding the file to.
keyCode String The key code associated with the package.
serverSecret String The server secret associated with the package.
files List<file> An array of files that are being uploaded.
uploadType String Optional Leave blank (or specify 'NODE_API').
finished function function (packageId, fileId, fileSize, fileName)
Raised Events:
sendsafely.progress function({fileId: String, percent: Number}) Subscribe to this event to receive upload progress.
file.upload.error function({fileId: String, message: String}) Raised when an upload error occurs.
sendsafely.files.attached function({fileId: String, name: String, size: Number, packageId: String})

encryptAndUploadFilesToDirectory(packageId, keyCode, serverSecret, files, uploadType, directoryId, finished)
Return Type: void
Adds a list of files to the package within a specific directory . Files will be encrypted and uploaded to the server.
packageId String The packageId that you are adding the file to.
keyCode String The key code associated with the package.
serverSecret String The server secret associated with the package.
files List<file> An array of files that are being uploaded.
uploadType String Optional Leave blank (or specify 'NODE_API').
directoryId String The directoryId of the directory that you want to add the files to.
finished function function (packageId, fileId, fileSize, fileName)
Raised Events:
sendsafely.progress function({fileId: String, percent: Number}) Subscribe to this event to receive upload progress.
file.upload.error function({fileId: String, message: String}) Raised when an upload error occurs.
sendsafely.files.attached function({fileId: String, name: String, size: Number, packageId: String})

getKeycode(privateKey, publicKeyId, packageId, callback)
Return Type: void
Downloads and decrypts a keycode from the server for the given a packageId and Trusted Device key pair.
privateKey String The private key portion of the Trusted Device key pair.
publicKeyId String The public key id associated with the Trusted Device key pair.
packageId String The package id you would like to obtain the keycode for.
callback function function (keycode)
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

generateRsaKeyPair(description, callback)
Return Type: void
Generates a new Trusted Device key pair. The private key and public key returned. The public key is uploaded and stored on the SendSafely servers. The public key returned also includes an "id" parameter that used to uniquely identify the Trusted Device key.
description String Field used to describe or name the key pair (ie My Node Script Key).
callback function function (privateKey, publicKey).
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

removePublicKey(publicKeyId, callback)
Return Type: void
Revokes a Trusted Device key pair. Only call this function if the private key has been deleted and should never be used anymore (cannot be undone).
publicKeyId String The public key id to revoke.
callback function
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

downloadFile(packageId, fileId, keyCode, config)
Return Type: void
Downloads and decrypts an individual file from the root directory of a package.
packageId String The packageId of the package containing the file.
fileId String The fileId of the file to be downloaded.
keyCode String The keycode associated with the package.
config Json JSON configuration object required for file downloads over 2GB. To enable large file downloads, pass a JSON object with a path and/or fileName property. For example {path:'downloads', fileName:'example.txt'} results in the downloaded file being named "example.txt" to the "downloads" directory relative to the working directory. If the fileName property is omitted, the fileName returned from SendSafely will be used.
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message
download.progress function({fileId: String, progress: Number}) Subscribe to this event to receive download progress.
file.decrypted function({fileId: String}) Raised when a file is decrypted and ready to be saved.
save.file function({fileId: String, file: Blob}) The raw decrypted file. Use this event to save the file to the actual file system
file.saved function({fileId: String, config: Json}) The raw decrypted file stream for large file downloads. Use this event to save the file to the actual file system using a write stream

downloadFileFromDirectory(packageId, directoryId, fileId, keyCode, config)
Return Type: void
Downloads and decrypts an individual file from a specific directory of the package.
packageId String The packageId of the package containing the file.
directoryId String The directoryId of the directory containing the file.
fileId String The fileId of the file to be downloaded.
keyCode String The keycode associated with the package.
config Json JSON configuration object required for file downloads over 2GB. To enable large file downloads, pass a JSON object with a path and/or fileName property. For example {path:'downloads', fileName:'example.txt'} results in the downloaded file being named "example.txt" to the "downloads" directory relative to the working directory. If the fileName property is omitted, the fileName returned from SendSafely will be used.
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message
download.progress function({fileId: String, progress: Number}) Subscribe to this event to receive download progress.
file.decrypted function({fileId: String}) Raised when a file is decrypted and ready to be saved.
save.file function({fileId: String, file: Blob}) The raw decrypted file. Use this event to save the file to the actual file system
file.saved function({fileId: String, config: Json}) The raw decrypted file stream for large file downloads. Use this event to save the file to the actual file system using a write stream

createDirectory(packageId, directoryName, finished)
Return Type: void
Creates a new directory in the root folder of a Workspace. Only Workspace packages support this function.
packageId String The package id of the package.
directoryName String The name of the directory to be added to the workspace.
finished function function ()
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

createSubdirectory(packageId, directoryName, directoryId, finished)
Return Type: void
Creates a new sub-directory in a Workspace. Only Workspace packages support this function.
packageId String The package id of the package.
directoryName String The name of the directory to be added to the workspace.
directoryId String The directory id of parent directory in which to create this sub-directory. If creating a directory in the root directory of a Workspace, this will be the packageDirectoryId property of the Workspace Package.
finished function function ()
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

updateDirectory(packageId, sourceDirectoryId, targetDirectoryId, finished)
Return Type: void
Moves a directory from its current location to the specified destination directory in a Workspace package.
packageId String The package id of the package.
sourceDirectoryId String The directory id of the directory to move. The source directory and the target directory must belong to the same package.
targetDirectoryId String The directory id of the destination directory. The source directory and the target directory must belong to the same package.
finished function function ()
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

Return Type: boolean
Utility function to check if the package has any ongoing uploads.
Parameters: N/A
Raised Events: N/A

Return Type: void
Create a new empty package.
finished function function (packageId, serverSecret, packageCode, keyCode)
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

Return Type: void
Create a new empty Workspace package.
finished function function (packageId, serverSecret, packageCode, keyCode)
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

decryptMessage(packageId, keyCode, serverSecret, ciphertext, finished)
Return Type: void
Decrypt the message from a package.
packageId String The packageId that contains the message to be decrypted.
keyCode String The keycode associated with the package.
serverSecret String The server secret associated with the package.
ciphertext String The ciphertext message to decrypt.
finished function function(decryptedMessage)
Raised Events:
sendsafely.error function(code, message) Raised if an error happens. Code contains a response code originating from the server. Message is a more descriptive error message

packageId String N/A
packageCode String N/A
serverSecret String N/A
recipients List[Recipient] N/A
files List[File] N/A
approverList List[approverEmail] N/A
needsApproval bool N/A
state PackageState N/A
life Integer N/A
description String N/A

recipientId String N/A
email String N/A
needsApproval bool N/A

fileId String N/A
fileName String N/A
fileSize Integer N/A
